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Location:Park Place II change
Service:Wholistic Family Year Long Plan change

This plan includes:

  • Twelve 60min appointments with Kim Schiffer ND to take a deep dive into your health, discovering the root cause of your symptoms, conditions and complaints and addressing them with holistic and natural solutions.
  • Eight 60min appointments with Lori Mahler CNS to address all things related to nutrition, diet and achieving your optimal weight.
  • Consultations available for anyone in your family for the entire year with our Naturopath and Nutritionist.
  • Access to email our Naturopath and Nutritionist with any questions you have with anything related to the health of you, your partner or your children for the entire year.
  • Help for the entire family on diet, food plans, recipes, and more.
  • An understanding for everyone what is going on with their current state of health, underlying conditions and diseases and how to start addressing these imbalances naturally.
  • A comprehensive approach implementing diet, herbs, lifestyle changes, detox and more.
  • All you need to get your family feeling better, healthier, happier and whole in 2024!
(*family members consist of a family unit of up to 2 adults and all the children that live with them)

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Doctors: Kim Schiffer ND