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Location:Virtual Appointments and Testing change
Service:Donation-Based Short Follow-up Naturopathic Consultation change

These consultations are offered as a part of our Ministry and service to the Most High Yahovah to help those in the Body of Christ to be in a better state of health for His Glory. Our focus for these sessions is not only on the physical, but on the emotional and spiritual components for a completely holistic healing session. Payments are based on donations, we only ask that you pay what you feel our services are worth according to what is put on your heart to pay. A $5 payment is required to book your session, but this will be the only charge required for your appointment. This is non-refundable.

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  • Naturopathic & Functional Medicine Services

  • Naturopathic & Nutritional Services

  • Donation-Based Appointments

  • Online Testing

    • IgG Food Sensitivity Testing $315
      Available to anyone that is not interested in a full consultation. This test will run IgG reactions to over 170 different foods including dairy, grains, meats, seeds/nuts, beans, fruits, vegetables, and more. It also has a candida marker. 
    • Gut Zoomer Stool Test $615
      An exhaustive stool test that will tell you nearly everything you have ever wanted to know about your gut. This test yields a 30 page report detailing information on 13 digestive markers,7 inflammation markers, as well as markers on leaky gut, wheat sensitivity, and pre-biotic levels. It will tell you about bacterial overgrowth and deficiencies in probiotics by running 35 different probiotic strains and 170 different bacteria strains. It runs parasites, fungi and yeast overgrowth. You will learn what probitotics you need to supplement with, what kind of digestive deficiences you are experiencing, what bacteria has overgrown and needs balancing, what kind of inflammation is present and so much more. Click here to see the full list of all markers that are tested.
    • DUTCH / HUMap Complete Hormone Panel $395
      Available to anyone that is not interested in a full consultation. This is a urine test that runs 21 Estrogen's, 7 Progesterone's, 7 Testosterone's, 2 DHEA's and 19 Adrenal levels charted throughout the day.
    • Micronutrient (Deficiencies) Testing $510
      This blood test runs 30 different vitamins, minerals and nutritional factors to determine what you need more of in your diet or supplements. This test is unique in that it not only tests the levels of nutrients in the serum (all blood draws are looking at this) but also the nutrition values IN the cell. This is call intra-cellular levels and can give valuable insight into your deficiencies.
    • Heavy Metals Hair Test $205
      Available to anyone that is not interested in a full consultation. This hair test runs 17 different heavy metals including mercury, aluminum, lead and barium as well as 22 different minerals to give a complete picture of metal toxicity and elimination.
    • Organic Acids Test $365
      Available to anyone that is not interested in a full consultation. This urine test runs metabolites of different types of yeast/mold, bacteria, clostridium, neurotransmitters, metabolism pathways, detox markers, deficienies, genetic markers and more. 
    • Viral Infection Panel $325
      A detailed report that will run viral co-infections often implicated in Auto-Immune conditions. Markers measured include: Cytomegalovirus (x7), Epstein Barr Virus  (x5), Parvovirus (x2),Toxoplasma gondii (x4),Herpes Simpex V (type 1, 2, 6 and 7), and Streptococcal A. This test is done with a finger prick at the office or from home.
    • 500+ Item Hair Analysis $240
      Available to anyone that is not interested in a full consultation. This hair analysis will run over 500 different items. It runs over 400 different foods including fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, meats, dairy, herbs, gluten free items and much more. In addition it will also run cleaning products, toothpaste, heavy metals, chemicals, supplements and some over the counter medications. 
    • Comprehensive Stool Analysis $370
      Available to anyone that is not interested in a full consultation. This stool test will run 77 types of good/bad gut bacteria, 48 types of yeasts, 22 parasites, digestion/absorption markers, inflammation markers, leaky gut (IgA), fatty acids, pH, blood and sensitivities to different types of anti-fungals and anti-bacterials.
  • Functional Medicine & Nutritional Plans

    • Total Health 3 Month Plan $995
      This total health package will give you continual support for 3 months with both our Naturopath, Kim Schiffer ND and our Nutritionist Lori Mahler CNS at a discounted price!
    • Wholistic Family Year Long Plan $1,495
      This total health package will give you continual support for 12 months with both our Naturopath, Kim Schiffer ND and our Nutritionist Lori Mahler CNS at a discounted price.This program will include all things health related for your entire family with everything to keep your family well in 2024!
Doctors: Kim Schiffer ND